Are you struggling to finish your manuscript? Do you have so many ideas that you can't focus on one? How do you get unstuck in the process of self-editing while writing your manuscript?
All these questions and more are answered in this Focus to Finish session with Paul Wallman.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Are you tired? Do you need rest? Is your mind on overload with too much clutter in your brain?
In this training, I share 10 insights from my 7-day detox from technology. I believe this training can help you too!
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you consider self-publishing your book? Are you looking for a self-publishing company that could help you with your publishing needs?
Today, Steven Spatz will be sharing more about BookBaby, the nation's leading self-publishing service company.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
If you live in Canada, consider joining us next month for the Inscribe Christian Writers Conference here:
I will be the keynote speaker and will be leading a couple workshops.
And all of you can enjoy this interview I recorded with Inscribe President, Ruth L. Snyder.
Ruth: I’m looking forward to having you come to our conference in September. To help our members get to know you, please tell us about your growing up years.
Shelley: I’m a person that learned to be adaptable because we moved so many times. I grew up as a PK – a pastor’s kid, going to church, and attending all the events — youth camp, conferences. I was saved and baptized at the age of seven. Typically, we think of salvation as a turning point where everything is going to be great. The Bible says that in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, “I, Jesus, have overcome this world.” The next year my Grandma was murdered. There was a lot of trauma, and yet God is so good. He doesn’t waste anything, and a lot of what I’ve been through is what I share in my books today.
Ruth: How does your faith influence what you do?
Shelley: It influences everything I do. I practiced as a physiotherapist for twelve years. My husband and I also served in Belize for two years. I worked as a volunteer physiotherapist and my husband worked with youth. When we came back, we knew we wanted to have the freedom to minister again. In 2011 I quit my job and God showed me that author coaching was what He wanted me to do. I thought I would limit my income and influence if I only ministered to Christian authors. However, God convicted me and showed me that’s what He wanted me to do, so I made that change. Now I serve primarily Christian authors. Anyone is welcome, as long as they know I’m going to pray and share Scriptures. God has planted that seed of prayer and encouragement and I integrate it into what I do. I have seen amazing fruit in my writing community.
Ruth: When did you first call yourself a writer?
Shelley: I never dreamed of writing a book. We moved during my junior year of high school, and my new English teacher gave me a “C”. She taught me how to write and set me up for success. I was a speaker before I became a writer. It wasn’t until 2008 that I published my first book. My husband is a competitive runner. We hang out with people who win world championships. I’m a slow runner. I don’t know if I will ever win an award, but I’m still a runner. God has shown me, “Shelley, you’re a writer!”
Ruth: You’ve published over 40 books. How has your writing process changed from your first book to your most recent, Broken Crayons Still Color?
Shelley: My first book was a compilation of articles I had already published. Anything you practice improves. I have developed systems, which are basically checklists or certain ways I do things. It makes things run better and faster. I also have a team now. With Broken Crayons Still Color, I wanted it to be my best work. I had a beta group that gave me feedback, along with my professional editor. I also included coloring pages, discussion questions, journaling prompts, videos with fill-in-the-blank viewer’s guides, and a leader’s guide.
Ruth: As a writing coach, what do you find writers struggle with the m
Shelley: In the beginning I thought writers just needed the step-by-step. What I found is that so many writers struggle with mindset. If you’re dealing with self-doubt, self-sabotage, fear, shame—some of these biggies—it becomes a big obstacle. I encourage Christian writers to have a prayer team, because Satan is going to want to stop you. It’s also really important to have some kind of writing community to support you. That spiritual battle can be one of the biggest obstacles you face.
Ruth: Is there any other advice you would give to a writer j
ust starting out?
Shelley: It’s easy to get in a “Do” mode. Focus on creating with God; He has the best ideas. Develop systems that work for you, but also learn from others who have gone before you. Have a notebook where you write down what you’ve done. Use the tools that are available to batch writing blog posts or develop/schedule social media posts.
Ruth: That leads us into our VIP Day and conference. Could you give us a taste of what you’ll be sharing?
During the VIP Day I will be teaching low cost ways to bring in sales that are automated. I love working smarter, not harder. We are going to create a blue print and go through each step of what it will look like for you, individually.
During conference we will be talking about writing in community—the power of having a prayer team, and how having a beta group can really help you in creating a quality book that will reach your audience. We’ll discuss getting book reviews and the mindset you need to work on so that you’re not paralyzed in your writing.
Join us here:
Are you ready and prepared to sell more books during this Christmas season?
Last year, we did a 90-day push to publish our books before the biggest book buying season of the year, Christmas.
And it was a HUGE success.
Many authors published their books and accomplished so much.
This year, we are doing a 90-day accountability group all around the topic of book marketing and selling more books.
You can still choose to focus on writing and publishing your book by going through my PUBLISH module, but if you already have a book published, I recommend that you join us to focus on selling more books during the biggest book buying season of the year, Christmas.
>>90-Day Accountability Group
How does it work?
Starting in September, every Wednesday at 3pm EST, our education coordinator, Kim Steadman, will meet with you inside the private Facebook group for Author Audience Academy.
It will be a time to share your goals, what you accomplished and get help for where you are stuck.
Whether it’s weight loss, paying off debt or publishing and marketing books; accountability WORKS! It simply works.
I hope you’ll join us!
If you’re not a member yet, you can join us here:
>>90-Day Platform Plan
I have created a brand new 90-day Platform Plan with a suggested strategy for using the training inside Author Audience Academy to sell more books.
You can find it inside the PLATFORM module here:
>>Marketing Minute Training
Along with the 90-day book marketing map, we will also be starting something brand new this September.
So fun!
It’s called the Marketing Minute Training (MMT).
Our education coordinator, Kim Steadman, will be creating short 5-minute videos covering one marketing task each week.
Then, our plan is for it to only take 10 minutes for you to actually implement the MMT action for your book.
That’s a total of 15 minutes per week.
Our goal with the MMT is to create small bite-size marketing actions that correspond with that month's overall 90-Day Platform Plan activities. That way, for these first 90-Days, every single MMT action is a piece in the 90-Day Platform Plan so no one feels overwhelmed!
Do you have 15 minutes per week?
If so, we’ve got you covered with the new Marketing Minute Training that you can watch AND implement in just 15 minutes per week. Woot!
>>VIP Day: The Author Automation System
This month, inside Author Audience Academy, we will have a full VIP Day instead of the Clarity Call. This is an extra bonus for all members and is a real world value of $199.
I will be sharing this same information in Canada next month where authors are paying $199 to attend. However, you get this as a bonus to your membership. Woot!
Date: August 31, 2017
Time: 9am - 4pm mountain (11am - 6pm eastern)
==> Get the link to join and download the worksheets here:
There is so much excitement happening this Fall inside Author Audience Academy.
Are you in?
If you’re a current member, you’re set and ready to go.
Have you been on the fence about joining? If so, I recommend you join us for these amazing Fall events that will help prepare you to sell more books this Christmas season.
You can join us today for just $177/quarter or $499/year here:
p.s. My heart is truly to help you get results. I see so many authors struggle with marketing their books and want to help you move forward. Let’s do this together along with an amazing community of hundreds of authors.
Join us here:
Are you struggling to finish your first draft? Are you stuck in your writing?
In this training, I will share with you tips on how to put your thoughts and ideas into paper without getting stuck.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
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Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Are you giving away the "seed" in your writing or are you giving your ideas time to grow and mature?
In this training, I will share with you how to achieve excellence in our finished products.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do technology and social media improve our relationships? How can we use technology to make REAL connections?
Today, Felicia will be sharing with us on how to create REAL relationships through the help of modern technology.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Are you praying for more income and more money?
Today, I want to encourage you to pray for this one thing instead.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
What is the difference between an ISBN and a barcode? Do I need to purchase the barcode with the ISBN?
I received this question during our Ask Shelley session and I'm going to share the answers to them in this training.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you have a strategy for your marketing plan? How do you make it work?
In this training, I'm going to give you the three key elements on how to make your content marketing successful.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Is increasing your book sales one of your goals this year?
In this training, I will give you tips on how to increase your book sales by 20% this year; and it's easier than you think!
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Have you ever wondered how you can make your business card stand out?
In this training, I'm going to give you three tips on how to make people interested in getting your business cards.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Have you ever asked yourself "Who am I to be doing this?" Or told yourself "I'm not good enough."
If so, this message is for you.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Have you been running from what God's plan is for you?
In this training, Sharon is going to share with us how focus and accountability helped her stop running from herself and doing God's plan for her.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you have products or books that you want to sell online but don't know how to start?
In this training, Amy Young share with us how to take advantage of Gumroad in selling your products online.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed over a project you are doing? Are you seeing too many puzzle pieces but you feel like there's not enough time to put them all together?
Relax and take a deep breath. In today's episode, I will share with you a key tip to consider when you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Susan Neal published 2 books and created 4 digital products. In today's training, she will share how she accomplished all of this in just one year.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
Visit Shelley on LinkedIn:
And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you have plans of writing a new book? What are the steps that you're taking to finish it?
Join me today as we discuss how one of my author audience academy members, Chris Warnky, plans on finishing his first book.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
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If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
I recently added a new income stream to my business. However, I don't often recommend doing several things at once.
Today, I am going to share with you how F.O.C.U.S. has been a key to my success. Keep reading to find the meaning to this acronym.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
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If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you want to learn how one author finished her devotional book in less than 3 months?
Today, Deb Potts is joining us as she shares her experience on publishing her 40-Day devotional book in such a short period of time.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Do you feel distracted or stuck while writing your book? I want to give this quick tip on how to get unstuck and to find the motivation to finish your book.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
Is selling more books one of your goals? If so, join us in this Focus2Finish coaching session with one of my Author Audience Academy members, Sharon Buck, as we discuss her plans to sell more books.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
For an author who writes in multiple genres, it can be confusing how to set up your author platform.
In this training, I will give you a quick tip on how to brand yourself as an author when writing in multiple genres.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)
What is a permafree book and how can it help you in your marketing?
In today's training, Jennifer Waddle will be joining us to show us how permafree book has helped her succeed in marketing her books.
Thank you for listening to my podcast, Author Audience, where I share motivation/inspiration, real lessons learned the hard way, Q&A, and more shared in real time.
I truly do appreciate the time you spend with me each week and would love to hear from you! Leave me a voice message here:
This episode is sponsored by Author Audience Academy is my signature program that provides you with the training, tools, and coaching you need to create a powerful book, find your audience, and grow a profitable business or impactful ministry. You can learn more and join our growing community at
CLICK HERE for more FREE Training
Join my next LIVE webinar here:
Connect with Shelley on Facebook:
Follow Shelley on Twitter:
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And subscribe for my latest video training here:
If you want your audience to be inspired to take action while they learn, let’s talk! I speak on the topics of writing, publishing, and book marketing. My workshop style events are very popular because the participants take action and get results during our time together.
Click here to book me for your next event:
Are you still reading? If so, you ROCK!
I’m on a mission to help you reach more people with your message by publishing a powerful book, finding your target audience, and growing a profitable business. I believe every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Therefore, I encourage you to let your light SHINE!
Have a blessed day :)